Monday, December 4, 2017

Kirtan [singing divine hymns], japa [chanting the Divine Name/Mantra], parayana [reading holy texts] are verbal. They can be performed only if the mind is involved in them at least to a certain extent. If not it would stagger. Verbal japa would lead to dhyana [meditation/concentration]

Nama Article 5th December 2017

Answers and Beyond - HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji


Some people spend long hours doing puja whereas we seem to complete it in a simple manner!


What is the significance of puja? God does not expect it of us. The real fruit of a puja is fixing our mind in thoughts of God all through the hours that we conduct the puja. We follow Bhagavata dharma. In this path reading holy texts, listening to and narrating God related stories, singing divine hymns are considered more important than puja. In fact we spend more time in all these than in puja. Even puja could be done mechanically as it is related to the body. Kirtan [singing divine hymns], japa [chanting the Divine Name/Mantra], parayana [reading holy texts] are verbal. They can be performed only if the mind is involved in them at least to a certain extent. If not it would stagger. Verbal japa would lead to dhyana [meditation/concentration]


Shedding tears touched by the Lord's compassion while narrating His stories is verily abhishekam. Non-violence, forbearance, determination and dispassion that we come across in the life histories of Saints are verily flowers. Horripilation is verily archana. Annihilation of mind's ignorance resulting in the birth of jnana [wisdom] is verily karpoora harati. Being humble is verily namaskara.


Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare 

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