Sunday, April 15, 2007

GLORY OF DIVINE NAME by Sri Swami Sivananda

Nama article 13th April 2007

Sri Swami Sivananda

The Name of God, chanted correctly or incorrectly, knowingly or unknowingly, carefully, is sure to give the desired result. Just as burning quality is natural to and inherent in fire, so also, the power of destroying sins with their very root and branch, and bringing the aspirant into blissful union with the Lord through Bhava-Samadhi, is natural to and inherent in the Name of God.
The glory of the Name of God cannot be established through reasoning and intellect. It can be experienced or realized only through devotion, faith and constant repetition of the Name.
There is a Sakti or power in every word. If you utter the word 'excreta' or 'urine' when your friend is taking his meals, he may at once vomit his food.

If you think of 'Garam Pakoda', 'hot Pakoda' (fried delicacies), your tongue will get salivation.

When anyone suddenly shouts 'Scorpion! Scorpion!', 'Snake! Snake!', you at once apprehend the scorpion or the snake and jump in fright.

Even as the name of a thing in this world generates the consciousness of that thing in the mind, the Name of God generates God-consciousness in the purified mind and becomes the direct cause of the realization of the Highest Perfection or God.
When anyone calls you a 'donkey' or an 'ass', you are annoyed and you show anger.

If anyone says, "You are a nice person," you smile.

When such is the power of the names of the ordinary things of this world, what tremendous power should there be in the Name of God!

God is the completion or the fullness of existence.

1. Hence, the Name which denotes Him, too, is full and perfect.
2. Therefore, the power of the Name of God is incalculable, for it is the height or the zenith of power.
3. The Name of God can achieve anything. There is nothing impossible for it.
4. It is the means to the realization of God Himself.
5. Even as the name of a thing in this world generates the consciousness of that thing in the mind, the Name of God generates God-consciousness in the purified mind and becomes the direct cause of the realization of the Highest Perfection or God.

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