Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Singing the glory of the One who appears foremost in the Vedas and dance about in the streets

Nama Article 13th December 2011


Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji


'Veda mudalvanai pãdi veedhigal thorum thullãdãr'


(singing the glory of the One who appears foremost in the Vedas and dance about the streets)


Why did he say that one should dance about on the streets (singing the glory of the Lord)?


Well! When you go about the streets singing the Name of the Lord those passing by might criticize you, "Oh! Look at this fellow going about shouting Govinda! Govinda!" and they would mimic you, 'Govinda! Govinda!' Be happy when you hear them.


Their criticism and mimicking should gladden your heart. Why? When they criticize you in this manner they utter the Name of the Lord (Bhagavan Nãma)!


Sadhus are very merciful ('krupãlu'). When they move about on the streets they might come across a leprosy patient in a very bad state. They look at him with overflowing compassion and sing Govinda! Govinda! Their hearts melt looking at the state he is in. Looking at him they would feel truly sorry for him, 'oh! This jiva is suffering.'


And what happens? This leprosy patient attains Vaikuntam after his life here ends. He himself would not have any idea of who has bestowed this state on him.


Nammazhvar Tiruvoimozhi 3.5.5

சாது சனத்தை நலியும் கஞ்சனைச் சாதிப்ப தற்கு,

ஆதியஞ் சோதி யுருவை அங்குவைத் திங்குப் பிறந்த,

வேத முதல்வ னைப் பாடி வீதிகள் தோறும்துள் ளாதார்,

ஓதி யுணர்ந்தவர் முன்னா என்சவிப் பார்ம னிசரே?


Please check these: Excerpts from a discourse by our Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji


Why did he say that one should dance about on the streets (singing the glory of the Lord)?


On auspicious days like Ekadasi people go on the streets singing the Divine Name of the Lord. This is called 'Nagara Sankirtan'. The Divine Name is spread in this manner especially in the Tamizh month of 'MArgazhi' [mid-December to mid-January]


Just like You protect me always, I earnestly pray to you to protect your children also, who are working diligently to spread your Divine Name


Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :


Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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