Saturday, September 27, 2014

Bhagawan replied, “What if the mind wavers ? Atleast at that time your tongue is not wavering, is it not ?” and burst in to laughter.

Nama Article 27th September 2014


Bhagawan Yogiramsuratkumar


ஒருவர் நாமம் சொல்லும்பொழுது மனம் அலைந்தால், அது ஒரு யந்திரம் போல் ஆகிவிடாதா என்று கேட்க, பகவான் "பரவாயில்லை, மனம் அலைந்தால் என்ன? அந்த நேரத்தில் உன் நாக்காவது அலையாமல் இருக்க்கிறதல்லவா ?" என்று கூறி வெடிச்சிரிப்பு சிரித்தார்.


When one asked, "If our mind is wavering while Chanting the Divine names will that not become like a machine doing it mechanically?" Bhagawan replied, "What if the mind wavers ? Atleast at that time your tongue is not wavering, is it not ?" and burst in to laughter.


Please check these: Excerpts from a discourse by our Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji


So if we want to use this sense organ of speech totally for divine life, we can do so without much troubles. That is verily the greatness of Nama sankirtan.


You have a tongue and the NAME of the Lord! Then why you have fear?


Krishna does not complain, but decides, "Well! I will sit on your tongue in the form of Nama (Name)."


Only due to merits earned in crores of births does Bhagavan Nãma come on our tongue


We should not be bothered about the wavering mind. We should not stop the Chanting of Divine Names because of that. Wavering mind is common for all.


Avoiding talking all matters other than Bhagavãn is truly the control of the tongue.


One becomes highly venerable only because he has Your Name on the tip of his tongue.


I do not know the full potency or the fruitful benefit of chanting the Divine Names. The sweet Name of Shri Krishna dances on my tongue of its own accord.


Who can think of an example adequate to describe the great fortune of one whose tongue is restless to chant the name of Hari, the quintessence of all?


As your heart beats as you sleep, dream or being awake let your tongue always Chant the Divine Names of Hari.


Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :


Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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