Monday, March 8, 2010

If you desire to have God with you always, do japa of His Name always

Nama Article 8th March 2010


Excerpts from a discourse by our Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji


'If you are in crisis and chant this name ('Yogiramsuratkumar'), then God will come to your help,' says Yogi. What will happen if you chant this Mantra always? God will always be with you!


This applies to all Mantras. What does Aazhwaar say, call out for God while in trouble. Aazhwaar says, 'Chant the Naama 'Naaraayana' while in trouble and while not in trouble!' The reason for this is that 'Naama' (Name) and 'Naami' (one who bears the Name) are not different from each other. If you desire to have God with you always, do japa of His Naama always. Do you understand? This (Naama japa) is the easiest way for the destruction of the mind ('mano naasa').



துஞ்சும்போது அழைமின் துயர்வரில் நினைமின் 
துயரிலீர் சொல்லிலும் நன்றாம், 
நஞ்சுதான் கண்டீர் நம்முடைவினைக்கு 
நாராயணாவென்னும் நாமம்


Like a potent medicine that not only eradicates the crippling illness but also ensures a disease-free life, this mantra too rids us of troubles when they plague us and reserves for us an existence of unalloyed bliss. Even if one doesn't require anything from life and is perfectly satisfied, with what it has to offer, this mantra can be recited for the pure pleasure it offers and for its own sake.


Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :


Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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