Monday, June 4, 2007

Only one real thing

Nama Article 4th June 2007

Source: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

Only one real thing

"This is the one thing needful, the chanting of God's name. All else is unreal. Love and devotion alone are real, and other things are of no consequence."

1 comment:

Nãrãyanan said...

Association with realized souls is akin to bathing in holy rivers – rarest of the rare, pleasurable for a dip and capable of cleansing our sins. But when misbehaved, nature takes its toll as do water currents, just as Mother Kali punished the wild mob that offered to sacrifice Jadabharata.
2. The world shown by the mind is not at all true. It is only as true as a chronic liar, who vehemently swears on truth, that he never lies and had never lied!