Thursday, April 18, 2024

How great is the immense compassion of mahans!

Source : Madhuramurali English Edition

This is the same case with mahAns, who are avatAra purushAs. They accept and hail as bhaktas, even those who do perfunctory, half-hearted bhakti, and protect them. Many people serve a mahan. Many of these won’t even realize how much fortune one must have done to be bestowed with the service of a mahan.

Sometimes, in the name of kainkarya, they might even do apachAra (improper conduct) in their work; sometimes, forgetting the greatness of seva, they would even complain constantly while doing the work; sometimes while doing kainkarya, they might even dare to tell a lie in an urgent heat of a moment. Despite such faults in our kainkarya, just as Sita Devi felt happy even with the ‘flawed’ prostrations of the rakshasis, a mahan, through his causeless compassion, does not see our fault-filled kainkarya or the seva done without understanding its true value.

He simply accepts it with immense joy. Even though he knows everything, he still appears to be completely unaware of our faults and continues to protect those who serve him. How great is the immense compassion of mahans!

Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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