Saturday, February 22, 2014

He who entertains thoughts of Divinity becomes transformed actually into the Divinity itself by constant thinking and meditation.

Nama Article 22nd February 2014

BENEFITS OF JAPA - By Swami Sivananda

The mind is purified by constant Japa and worship. It is filled with good and pure thoughts. Repetition of Mantra and worship strengthen the good Samskaras. 'As the man thinks, so he becomes'. The mind of a man who trains himself in thinking good holy thoughts, develops a tendency to think of good thoughts. His character is moulded and transformed by continued good thoughts. When the mind thinks of the image of the Lord during Japa and worship, the mental substance actually assumes the form of the image. The impression of the object is left on the mind. This is called Samskara. When the act is repeated very often, the Samskaras gain strength by repetition and a tendency or a habit is formed in the mind. He who entertains thoughts of Divinity becomes transformed actually into the Divinity itself by constant thinking and meditation. His Bhava or disposition is purified and divinized. The meditator and the meditated, the worshipper and the worshipped, the thinker and the thought, become one and the same. This is Samadhi. This is the fruit of worship and Upasana and doing Japa.


Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :


Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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