Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The reason why Mahans suffer so much agony is because the sins get passed on to these Mahăns from all those who come unto them, all those whose food they partake, all those to whom they give Mantra Deeksha (imparting of the Holy Name),

Nama Article 8th December 2014


Source: Madhuramurali September 2005


"Mahăns lead a pure life. They always life a life of meditation. We see that even such people are not free from diseases and suffer in their last days. Bhagawăn Rămakrishna Paramahamsa, Bhagawăn Ramana, Bhagawăn Yogirămsuratkumăr suffered from cancer in their last days.


There is no concept of 'poorva janma păpa' (sins carried over from previous births) in the case of Avathăra Purushăs (exemplar souls). That being the case, the reason why they suffer so much agony is because the sins get passed on to these Mahăns from all those who come unto them, all those whose food they partake, all those to whom they give Mantra Deeksha (imparting of the Holy Name), all those whose sorrows they remove and all those who they touch.


Can they not prevent themselves from getting these sins? They can definitely prevent! But that would mean that others will not be able to cherish their goodness - namely the growth in spiritual path,the diminishing of the sorrows etc. This happens because of some divine connection between the Guru and the person who comes for favors", says Sri Swamiji.


Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :


Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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