Saturday, May 25, 2024

I pay obeisance to that devotee who is indifferent to salvation. I seek only the blissful devotion

 Source : Namghosha - The Oriental Gem

The very first verse of Nām-Ghoshā is a marvellous composition, which contains almost the entire theoretical essence of Eka Sarana Nāma Dharma.


Muktita nispriha yito Sehi bhakataka namo

Rasamayee māgoho bhakati

Samasta mastaka mani nija bhakatara basya

Bhajo hena deva Yadupati (1)


Its meaning is : I pay obeisance to that devotee who is indifferent to salvation. I seek only the blissful devotion. I worship the Lord, the creator of all Yadu or the heroic ones and the cynosure of all beings, who is subservient to own devotees.


The second verse of Nām-Ghoshā is a practical way about how to achieve the goal outlined in the outset.


Yāra Rāma Krishna nāma nāwe bhava sindhu tari

Pāwe parama pada pāpee yata

Sadānanda sanātana henaya Krishnaka sadā

Upāshā karoho hridayata (2)


Its meaning is : I worship in my heart that lord Krishna, who is eternal and who is the embodiment of bliss, and whose names ‘Rama’ and ‘Krishna’ are means to redeem even the sinner from the mundane life of woes.

Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan : 

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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