Friday, May 17, 2013

Through japa, we control all thoughts and try to concentrate on a single thought.

Nama Article 17th May 2013


Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji


An ordinary man (not a sădhak) thinks that he has only one thought at a time. But, it is not so. Innumerable thoughts keep rising up in him and they compete with each other to take hold. A particular thought takes hold and the person thinks that he has only this single thought in him. But, when we sit to do japa or ătma vichăra we find that countless thoughts keep raising one after another, in a gush. Through japa, we control all thoughts and try to concentrate on a single thought.


Please check these: Excerpts from a discourse by our Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji


In the same way, when the mind imagines, it is called 'manas'. When it thinks, it is called 'intellect'. It is the same person who chants the Mantra as well as gets those thoughts.


Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :


Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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