Inauguration of Namadwaar [A prayer house powered by the Divine Name] by the Honorable Delores Martin, Mayor of Manvel and the Honorable Tom Reid, Mayor of Pearland on Sunday, the 28th of February 2010 at 1:30 pm at 3642, Bailey Avenue, Manvel, TX 77578. Guest Speaker: Sri Ramanujamji
What is the best boon to ask for from God? Is it good to pray to Him with the thought "Oh Lord! Give me what ever you wish for"?
Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:
If God appears before you, do not ask him for wealth, remedy for suffering, power, fame or anything worldly. Also, do not ask him for the attainment of the purpose of life as per Advaita, Vishishtadvaita , Dvaita or such high philosophies.
Just ask him one simple thing. Ask him to give Himself to you. That is the best prayer to ask God.
Check out what scriptures and Bible says for where the God resides
Excerpts from a discourse by our Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji
Once a king had to complete a project and hence selected 4 persons from his own place to complete the project. They in turn fulfilled the King wishes and completed the project to his satisfaction.
King on a gesture of Love and appreciation wanted to reward these persons and enquired what they would like to ask for.....
The first person wished to have nice roads in his village and immediately the King informed his minister to setright the same
The second person wished that the King give him a bungalow, and the King in turn ordered his minister to sanction one
The third person came and informed king that he wants to marry a rich girl of his choice and the King took responsibility in getting him married to his wishes
And now for the last person, King asked him to inform his wishes; the person said,"O lord:, since you are compelling me, I have one request to you that you need to stay in my house for a month,The king on hearing this agreed to his request and instructed his minister to find out his place and also to fix up the dates.
The minister after collecting his contact details wanted to make all preliminary arrangements for the kings stay in his house , when the minister visited he realized that this person is staying in a small hut & no proper road to approach to his residence .
The minister immediately understood that our king cannot travel in this junk road and ordered to lay good Road till his residence, more over he thought that our King cannot stay in this small hut and also constructed a bungalow for that person and also provided enough money, gold, diamond to that person so that he can meet all of the kings requirement during his stay.
Now since this person has become a millionaire a rich man in that village requested him to marry his beautiful daughter
The fact is though the last person just invited the king, he got everything (New road to his village, bungalow, riches and a beautiful rich wife)
Like wise if we invite the God to our heart, all our wishes will be fulfilled and our mind will also be purified.
Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare